Sunday, June 21, 2009

Spencer, Iowa, Parks


My goal here is to write about "what makes artists paint the way they do". Hopefully, I won't pick up a paint brush yet today. Let me explain.

Spencer, Iowa is a pretty darn great town to live in. Right at the top of the pretty darn great list is the wealth of city parks the town holds in it's proper.

A few years ago, the Spencer Park system, specifically "East Leach Park" gained a beautiful in-ground (concrete) skate park. Note the word "skate". That means the rules board bolted to the post says ONLY skate board or inline skates. No BMX bikes allowed. We've heard various reasons/excuses/rumors as to the logic of this ruling, trust me, they're all weak.

Today, my husband and I were on a bike ride through East Leach Park. We stopped to watch the kids at the skate park. There was one skate boarder present, there aren't many skate boarders in Spencer. Ironic, hm? Several people on bmx bikes are present, there always are. Out of the corner of my eye I see the car with the lights on top. People yell, "Cop"! One kid wasn't quick enough. It cost him $63 dollars. Yup, that's the price of a ticket for riding your bike in the park.

So a multi-thousand dollar park facility, restricted to the majority of the people wanting to use it. Just doesn't make sense, does it?

Sometimes don't you just want to take somebody by the head and give'em a good shake? And we are so glad I'd already decided not to pick up a paint brush yet today!

Later, Cooper

Monday, June 15, 2009

Omaha Summer Arts Festival


The Omaha Summer Arts Festival is just around the corner. In fact, let me give you the dates:

Friday June 26th, 11am-8pm

Saturday June 27th, 11am-8pm

Sunday June 28th, 11am-5pm

And even more importantly, let me tell you where I'll be :)
I am artist/exhibitor #82, which means in front of the library, vaguely the intersection of 14th and Farnam, in downtown Omaha, Nebraska.

I have been fielding a few questions regarding which paintings I will be bringing :), and yes, as many as possible, but the trusty van does have it's limitations. If you have connected with a specific painting at my website and are needing to see it up close and personal, please let me know. I will make sure it has reserved accomodations for the trip!

As this post is appearing to need a bit of color, I will show you what is currently on the easel, and will hopefully reach completion by the above mentioned dates!

Later, Cooper