Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Benefits Of Working From Home


Welcome to the Cooper studio in Jefferson, Iowa. Today, we are having a blizzard. Lovely. Maybe our recent move from Spencer, Iowa to Jefferson, Iowa was just not quite far enough south? :) The weather guy on the radio just said that if you are crazy enough to try to go anywhere, you will quite likely encounter 14 to 16 foot tall drifts across the highway. And they are talking US highway 30, which is a fairly major east/west travel route. As I said before, lovely!

But back to the title of this post, The Benefits Of Working From Home, my studio is warm, I have a good supply of paint, and I have a painting that needs to be done in time to deliver for Christmas. Oh, and did I mention that I can go there in my jammies? Perfect! Time to go grab a brush.
Later, Cooper