This fall we stained our concrete patio, and could not decide if we wanted to seal it with "high gloss" or "natural". This morning as it is sealed in about 1/4 inch of glossy ice, we decided we like that look but wish is was artificial :)
I have a lot on my paint brush schedule today part of which is a throw back to my ongoing exploration into why artists paint the way they do.
Last spring I posted a bonus package for you, a real two-fer! Today you get the update:
Liberty Jean, and Mia Corrine, tucked into their Burley and ready for a good walk/run!
And then on September 15th, along comes their Colorado cousin, Arridian James Cooper. He needs a painting for his room, and then because his aunt Abbie is getting married soon, she needs a new painting for her new house. So much for the business end of studio work, eh? Time to go spread some paint!
Later, Cooper