Sunday, March 2, 2008

acrylic painting, more of the 'Delta Force Reader'


So every roof line on the house is dripping, yea! It's cloudy, but it's melting, so I'm ok with that. We got home from church, and the air was so mellow that Ollie and I got a run in already!

Way back in January the Thursday night studio group had a model reading 'Delta Force' and several paintings have come from those sessions. This one:

I had earlier called done, but it wasn't signed, nor was it varnished. Maybe it won't ever be? :) At any rate, yesterday after we finished our day's work on the current remodel project, (ugh) I was shifting things around in the studio---you know how these things go---I ended up with this one back on the easel. It's got a real name now, I think when I get done posting this I'll go slap a signature on it! Another Chapter Of Delta Force Reader, 16 x 20 inches, acrylic on canvas. I'll put it up on my website as well, should it need to hang in your library!

Later, Cooper


Mary Connealy said...

So does the family pose for you ever?

Austin Maloney said...

I really like your work, and your style of painting, I was curious if you'd be interested in exchanging links. My blog is and my email is

Best wishes,

Austin Maloney