Thursday, July 26, 2007

daily painting


Yes, I have been painting daily---lots of green and white. Someone before our time painted the office in our home mud green and put a golf print wall paper border on it. That's just wrong, and I can't imagine why we have been living in this house for a year and a half and I just now got around to fixing it. So yeah, four days of daily painting---green walls, white trim. The trim was the killer. A wall full of built in shelves, which required a coat of primer and two coats of latex, because they were the lovely mud green and it was a bear to get coverage over. Then when we moved the computer back in, of course, the internet refused to work. We discovered our internet provider and our computer doctor do NOT like each other and in the middle of them was an annoying and time consuming place to be. There's still something wrong with the internet, I had to clear out and then reload our IP address to get here, but I'm here and getting stuff done, so do you want me to quit whining now? I'm sure!

I have a new painting to show you. It's about 15 x 15 inches, on heavy paper, called Tomato Picker. (Yes, the garden is ripening nicely)

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