I am looking out the office windows at icicles that are very likely four feet long. And I suppose I should say that's a guess, because I can't see the top or bottom of most of them! Winter, Spencer, Iowa style! And we have had fog! I don't think that is traditional northwest Iowa winter, but it certainly is beautiful when it freezes on the trees!
I have a 'daily paint' image for you this morning, but it is actually yesterday's episode. I am going to preface it with excuses :) It's the span of time between Christmas and New Year's where everything is off schedule. My husband did not go to work on Monday morning, he went on Wednesday. Our University of Iowa daughter is here and she is facilitating a jigsaw puzzle marathon. Is it possible to take every Charles Wysocki puzzle off the shelf and put it together again? Our high school junior just told me that leftover 'strawberry pretzel salad' is a nutritous breakfast! The rest of the kids are supposedly back in their proper places, but I imagine I should check in with them just to make sure!
At any rate, why don't we just go ahead and call this whole week a holiday? Yes, we need to go to the studio, office, barn, coal mine, etc. (wherever we regularly work) but when we get there it should be like free time---do whatever you want, put the 'mandatory' list of to-do away, and get out the 'wouldn't this be fun if I had the time' list. I think it's a concept worth thinking about, but I do agree that it would probably screw up the national economy big time.

So here's the daily paint from yesterday, and I'm sure you can tell that I was not working from the 'mandatory to-do list' We'll see how it goes today!
Later, Cooper
This is SO COOl so far!
yep i'm becomming a fan
Paintings painters art history
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