Right here is the time to give a big thanks to all those folks who supply us with crisp, clean, sometimes still in the protective sleeve, brand spanking new copies of books that we desperately long for and seriously need on our personal library shelves. There are times when they are essential and oh so appropriate.
But because there are just a few of us who have NOT YET sold our first million dollars worth of paintings, and we still have to ration our ‘book dollars’, I’m offering up an additional solution. Type ‘used books’ right into that old google search line. I have fallen in love with Abebooks.com., and there are others. They are my new literary heroes (well, other than my author friend Mary Connealy) At first I was quite skeptical of what condition the books would actually be in as many seem to be former library books. But their library must handle books more gently than mine, as my purchases so far are of very acceptable quality.

I have had some trouble with their book descriptions regarding content. That all important ‘number of color plates’, size of ‘color plates’, pages of drawings, etc. is seldom included in the book listing. I stumbled across a solution for that issue at a library, and it would probably translate to your location as well. Buena Vista University is a college about forty miles from my home, who houses a huge collection of art books in their library. Yes, they do allow ‘community people’ to check out their books, but there’s always that 2 week time limit that’s just never really long enough. Previewing them at the library helps me make the decision of (1) this is a book I need for two weeks, or (2) this is a book that will inspire, sustain and further educate me in my artistic endeavors---a book I need to own.
Later, Cooper
I made your blog.
I found Petticoat Ranch on ebay...like 55 copies of it from one seller. What's that about? Who has a case of my books to sell?
I mystery worthy of being fictionalized. :)
Mary!!!! Wait a minute! I'm still trying to get all the typos out that never turn up until after you hit that publish button. Tell me if you see any more:)
Oh, yeah, you want me pointing out typos. That'd be fun for both of us. :)
I didn't notice any.
I read your article on Empty Easel. Thanks for the tip on the used book vendor. One can never own enough art books!
Thanks for writing. I bopped over to your blog and enjoyed your paintings for a while:) Thanks for showing them! Also I caught a reference to Monet and Boudin. I just finished up a wonderful book "Impression, Painting Quickly In France', Richard R. Brettell. It spends a lot of time on Monet, but also an extensive section on Renoir and Morisot (current personal favorites!)
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